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fucked three ways from sunday! at Analvids

Maya starts off on her own and ends up with three dicks spurting over her face! "I was in the bedroom the other day, masturbating with my new dildo. Suddenly I heard a noise and saw the two window cleaners coming in. They starting stroking me, fucking me with the dildo and stuff. I was in the moment and got their long, hard cocks out and sucked and tugged them hard. Soon they were fucking me ragged when my husband came home. He seemed pretty angry at first, but I guess the sight of his wife getting fucked by two strangers must have excited him because soon he was joining in. I had cock in every orifice and was loving it. Finally the guys came all over my face and I remembered what a little whore I can be!"

  • 00:28:55
  • Jul 25, 2007
  • 275


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