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two for every hole! at Analvids

I m Paris Lorenze from the Czech Republic. What you can see is that I ve got really big boobs, but what you can’t see is how nasty I am. As soon as I saw JJ and Joe Monti, I felt my pussy start wetting up. They went at me hard straight out of the gate sucking, shaking, and slapping my tits. I wrapped my lips around JJ’s growing cock, sucking him off as nasty as I knew how. Joes was quick to join, and I’d be sucking on one while I jerked on the other getting them both all slicked and stiffened up. Then they would take turns shoving my mouth with one cock while the other stuffed my pussy. Then Joe stuffed his big hard cock in my ass from behind and they fucked me like I ve never been before pumping their big hard cocks in and out of both of my horny holes. Joe pulled out and gaped my ass open wide and then JJ fucked my ass and gaped me open a couple of more times on his own. We laid down and I sucked JJ s cock as Joe fucked my pussy and then my ass going back and forth from one hole to the other. JJ got up on his knees and shot his load off in my mouth and on my face and tits and then Joe gave me what he had, cumming all over my big tits. I played with their cum rubbing it all around and then I sucked both their cum dripping cocks before sucking my fingers and licking my tits getting every bit of cum that I could.

  • 00:24:42
  • Apr 16, 2006
  • 318


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