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lollipop lovin asian style! at Analvids

Asian teen fetish lovers will love this set! J.J. walks in on young Courtney sucking on a lollipop in the bedroom, wearing a cute top, cartoon panties, and her long black hair in pigtails. You get a taste of her blowjob skills as she’s licking the lollipop, and then she gets the meat stick that she’s been waiting for! J.J. puts the candy wrapper on his dick, and Courtney goes down on him like a kid in a candy store! She gets in doggy to suck on him and J.J. pulls the teenage panties to the side to feel the wetness growing inside her. Throwing her on her back, he rubs the lollipop on her clit and jams the lollipop in her pussy, licking the sweet stickiness off of her at the same time. He gives it to her from every angle and finally gets into her tight asshole. He double dips until he finally cums all over her pussy and thighs. And just like licking off a lollipop, she sticks his cock back into her mouth and licks his cum right off of him and her fingers.

  • 00:28:13
  • Jul 12, 2012
  • 166


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