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gorging on sweets at Analvids

Leanna Sweet and Sabrina Sweet have hunk Lauro Giotto on their hands , and they’re not only going to use his rod for their delight, but take him through foot worship adventures! Outfitted in nylon stockings and strappy high heel sandals, the girls get Lauro quickly half out of his clothes so they can suck his shaft. Sabrina holds it between the soles of her shoes as Leanna moves her mouth over the meat. Then Leanna takes it between her nylon soles as Sabrina blows it, and our DDF cameras come in tight to show all the action of her tongue. Leanna’s size 6.5 toes look very tasty in the pale blue nylons. Next both girls simultaneously tug his inches with their feet. Lauro can’t take much more of it without putting his pole into one of these Sweets, so he crams Sabrina’s veeg and butt even as he sucks a bit on Leanna’s feet. Soon Leanna rides on his dong as well. The girls go down on each other as he enjoys their bods with his bone, and it all ends in a gooey spurt all over their nylon-sheathed soles.

  • 00:18:17
  • May 30, 2014
  • 285


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