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the anal exam at Analvids

Let me tell you about the weirdest day at school ever. I was late to my trig class, i had just barley made it past the door when our teacher mrs. Carmella started issuing out our final exams. But right before she could get the test started she had trouble turning on the overhead projector. She told us to get started and that she would go and get the janitor to come fix the broken machine. It was a hard test as you can imagine, but things took a turn for the weird when the janitor walked into the classroom. Suddenly Mrs. Carmella started grabbing his ass while he was fixing the projector. She said it was the heat that was making her behave oddly, but the room was cold and you could hear the hum of the a/c coming from the vents above. Then, just as suddenly as she pulled the last stunt she grabs the janitors jumpsuit and pulls him toward her, unzips him and pulls out his cock. She just began to tug at it as if we didn t exist and then she began to suck his cock! At that moment i didnt know whether i should finish my exam or watch, maybe pull it out myself and jump in. But that was out of the question, some of the other students were placing bets on whether or not she would go anal. We didn t get to cash in on that bet though because right when things were getting real hot the bell rang and she dismissed the class. So check it out, just because we missed out on the good stuff doesn t mean you have to so sign in and watch.

  • 00:00:00
  • May 23, 2007
  • 278


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