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salesman fucks and creampies ts vamp emanuelly polly dt1029 at Analvids

When a door to door shoe salesman knocks on her door, Emanuelly invites him in. It is obvious that she is as intrigued by this brawny stud, as he is by this alluring, blonde, transsexual fox, with small, natural breasts, whose golden skin is adorned with elaborate tattoos. Soon, he reveals his foot fetish, as he sensually caresses and kisses her feet, then sucks her toes, which gets her juices flowing. She responds by giving him a gluttonous, world-class blow job. Then, he brutishly pile-drives his beef bazooka into her in doggie, bareback, while she yelps ecstatically, begging for more. After some furious fucking, every which way, he gives her a cream pie, which she squeezes out with a wet-fart, cascading down and off her balls, in a creamy-white deluge of cum.

  • 00:38:53
  • Jun 30, 2023
  • 228


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