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pussygeist - luna luxxx at Analvids

Luna Luxxx finds herself in a strange encounter where the seductive and the spectral collide. Late one night in her studio, the elaborate set of tube TV screens flicker to life with voices that beckon her by name.

As Luna succumbs to the seductive whispers emanating from the screens, she s drawn into an enchanting vortex of hyper-sexuality, and is captivated by an experience that blurs the boundaries between the paranormal and the passionately erotic as the flickering static is suddenly replaced by a scene of hers that she hasn’t even shot yet.
She soon finds herself completely under the sexual spell of this ethereal version of her own image as she fucks herself in her tight, wet pussy and cums the night away.

Indulge in a world where Luna Luxxx becomes the medium for your own desires. Are you ready to answer the irresistible call?

  • 00:13:50
  • Nov 06, 2023
  • 76


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