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taking the wrong bus at Analvids

Talk about taking the wrong fucking bus. We found this guy Evito waiting for the bus to go to work. He seemed like a pretty normal guy, we drove up and told him about our little school project, offered to give him a ride to work in exchange for his help on this documentary we were making. Little did he know what the documentary was really about. He really liked Brandy, and was being very machisto with her, which was perfect might I add. She took her blouse off and took off his pants off and also of course blindfolded him. Brandy and Jamie exchanged places, so he could start sucking on his dick. After a bit, I told him he should take his blindfold off and watch Brandy do her job. When he took off the blindfold, he started yelling like a madman, he pushed Jamie and punched him in the arm, as he rushed to put his pants on while screaming, I m not a fucking fagot, this is bullshit. It was very scary, but very funny at the same time. We eventually calmed him down, and offered him some mor

  • 00:00:00
  • May 17, 2007
  • 84


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