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smiling cruel bitches at Analvids

With two steamy hot Czech girls like blonde Vanessa Jordin and brunette Mischelle parading in front of you what could possibly keep you from jumping into the scene and serving their feet in those wispy high heels? Only the barrier of the Internet or, if you want to imagine yourself actually there, being tied up in front of them as they tease you! So yes, imagine that you’re there too, naked and trussed up before these haughty honeys as they get down to foot worship! Visualize yourself struggling against your bonds, your boner bristling with aching need to feel Mischelle’s size 7.5 toes wrapped around your inches...or Vanessa’s size 6 soles pressing against your tongue. But damn, they keep you at a distance as they indulge their desires, smiling cruel bitches that they are!! Mischelle licks Vanessa’s strappy heel, then concentrates on her friend’s bare toes. Then Vanessa gets Mischelle to lay back so that she can not only enjoy her feet, but lick at her slit too! Throughout, both girls look over at you, knowing that you are tightly bound and can only watch! They even hope to see you squirt a no-hands load into the air at their toe sucking antics!! So let your imagination soar while you observe these girls in their fetish XXX video as they penetrate their pies with their toes and pose their feet to tantalize your testicles to the bursting point!

  • 00:23:34
  • Oct 27, 2014
  • 208


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