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extreme slut training: fanatical whores rebel rhyder and zoe lark - its in the training at Analvids

Lets get right to it. I love these 2 whores. Rebel Rhyder and Zoe Lark are what I call unicorns, meaning they are rare. You dont find whores like these everyday. Among proud Sluts they are considered elite. They are at the very top of the 3Hole Slut game.

They love being whores, being used and passed around to the next man, thats why they started doing porn. You dont get this nasty and not love it

Most whores dont like to do much role play they like to get right down to the fucking. But being that some of my stuff reaches cable tv I had to throw one in for the execs at HQ.

I nearly wet my pants when these 2 said they wanted to get nasty. Fucking is real with these 2. The moment I got to that bed they went in. Zoe was so ready to get the dick in her that she just jumped right on and went right in, no lube or nothing, just right on the dick.

This is a anal scene which means it not be short and quick like scenes sometimes are in porn. But they way Zoe jumped on

  • 00:37:36
  • Jan 29, 2020
  • 280


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