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machine meats cutie! at Analvids

Sasha Rose looks so cute in her pink top and plaid schoolgirl miniskirt, you’d think she was going to meet some hot college guy for a date! But no, Sasha isn’t going anywhere because she has the Fucking Machine on her bed! And it’s even in a shade of pink to match her clothing. Needless to say, when a girl’s got the Fucking Machine, she doesn’t have to leave her house for anything but food! Because the machine takes care of all of the needs of this sweet blonde, who obviously has more than a little devil in her. She lays on the bed, sucks the black dildo, takes it in her ass, then shifts the machine to the floor so she can get fucked in her backdoor while standing up. Wait until you see how that huge mechanical meat stretches her rosebud!! And afterward Sasha shows us that asshole in very satisfying closeup detail...

  • 00:20:03
  • Sep 25, 2011
  • 380


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