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doctors strange therapy [pt 2] at Analvids

Now outfitted in the PVC clothing prescribed for her by Dr. Lang in Part 1 last week, Kathia Nobili awaits him on her knees in his examining room. He soon returns to gauge her oral abilities with a shiny black butt plug, which he has her lubricate with her saliva. Then, with the toy thoroughly wet from her mouth, Dr. Lang bends our heroine over the examining table and inserts the plug into her pussy, while exploring her asshole with his finger. Laying her across the table, he continues to probe her snatch with the plug, and then he primes her mouth with his thumb in preparation for insertion with his prick. Kathia’s skilled throating shows that her reflexes are still sharp, and her ability to take his shaft deep in her face and also nuzzle his nuts demonstrates that perhaps the problems that brought her to the clinic were psychosomatic--in her mind, not her body. But Dr. Lang won’t know for sure until he tests the responses of Miss Nobili’s rectum, and so he shifts the plug from her clam to her sphincter. The toy is shown penetrating her posterior in stark unforgettable detail against the antiseptic whiteness of the bizarre clinic. He soothes her vagina, meanwhile, with his tongue (another unconventional form of therapy) before preparing the patient for the final phase of his examination by lubricating her PVC stockings with a secret ointment of his own creation. Be here next week to see how the examination winds up!

  • 00:12:06
  • Sep 14, 2012
  • 283


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