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masturbate before a date! at Analvids

Check out a classic reverse strip by Deniska as this agile blonde starts out nude and laying on her back on a glass table, stuffing her vag and ass with a two-headed purple dong. Deniska kicks her curvy legs in the air as she shows off how well she can stuff herself, and the DDF cameras come in tight for enormous closeups of her fully-crammed crotch. Barefoot Deniska also demonstrates her skills on her knees and standing up, too, and even slides both ends of the well-used dong into her mouth. The photos and video build to a climax as the camera gets underneath Deniska while she bangs her butthole with the dong, and then, satisfied that she’s done all she can to entertain us, she poses in a thong panty before pulling on a cute little flower-print minidress--maybe to go meet a big-cocked boyfriend for a date of dinner and sex!

  • 00:18:08
  • Oct 05, 2008
  • 150


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