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charlie looks ready for a bang! at Analvids

Charlie loves to show off her body in a teeny little top and cute panties. Rolling around on a couch, she gives us a good look at her butt with the fabric wedged between her cheeks, then she tugs aside her underpants to let us see the alluring asshole and pussy within. Standing over us, Charlie takes down her scanties so we can appreciate her slit and rosebud in worshipful closeups; then she plants herself down on the couch once more and flashes lots of hot crotch, letting our DDF lenses capture the pout of her peach as she looks over it, and while shes licking her own legs in the background. Charlie stretches her gams skyward and grabs herself by the ankles while our cameras look down, so you can just imagine leaning over her for a quick and refreshing bang!!

  • 00:19:49
  • Mar 26, 2008
  • 131


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