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setting off the fantasies! at Analvids

You know what springs to our dirty minds when we look at Maya? This fantasy: it’s just after your wedding and although you’ve slept with Maya before, she pulls out all the stops when you settle into the honeymoon suite. She shows you that not only is she going to be your wife, but your HOT wife: capable of taking that lusty blue-eyed Russian body of hers and using it to the total raunchy maximum. From her sharp red fingernails to her red polished toenails, she is a voracious vixen, and she takes out two vibrators to demonstrate exactly what she is capable of and will require in order to have ongoing wedded bliss. Basically, she will need to be fucked and filled regularly by two sturdy shafts simultaneously in her veeg and tush, just as she crams herself with the black vibrator in her pussy and the red bullet in her bottom in this horny scene. Yes, the best models always send us off on wild flights of fancy when we view their pix! Check out Maya’s scene and see what your brain and balls come up with as you observe and marvel at the two toys embedded in her crotch.

  • 00:22:08
  • Apr 08, 2011
  • 310


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