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her soles need the treatment! at Analvids

Ultra fabulous foot fucking fun as this pair start by messing around in the office space! Check out lovely pop tart Gitta Blond as she turns Thomas Stones dick into her very own pop tart using her lovely orange stockings and yellow heels as bait!This blond haired vixen is so bored and horny at work, and lucky for her, Thomas is a foot fetish ambassador and completely forgets his work while he is caught in the spell of her foot-works arsenal! Gitta is really hungry for some beef jerky so she grabs a taste of his cock while she is cruising back and forth on her trolley cart. Then she gts pumped straight in the asshole with reckless abandon? What if someone walked in? These kids don t care, they are going for it! An amazing shot of Gitta perched up on the desk with her abs in full effect while she s jerking Tom s dick off with her feet is very boner inspiring. Thomas finishes off with a jerking of his prick with her soles and pantyhose till he oozes out on her left foot! Quite the orifice, Ooops, I mean office crew they are indeed!

  • 00:28:00
  • Oct 22, 2006
  • 228


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