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instruments of stimulation at Analvids

Kassey Krystal greets us today in her white bikini, as she’s kneeling on a couch in the sunshine coming through a window. This taut-bodied Russian beauty quickly takes out a glass toy to satisfy her daily cravings, as you’ll see in her video. Sucking the toy, she rubs it against her 36C breasts, then slides it down toward the bright wetness between her lady lips, which she parts with her scarlet-polished fingernails. Miss Krystal plunges the toy into her bottom, and our lensman comes in for the glory shots of deep bunghole penetration. But Kassey is not finished by any means; another instrument of stimulation is brought into play, this one shaped like a monster penis, around which she wraps her mouth. It finds a cozy home in her veeg even as the glass shaft continues its welcome stay in her heinie!

  • 00:15:26
  • Jan 21, 2009
  • 149


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