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you ll gape at her gapes at Analvids

Blonde Lucy Love from Hungary is curvy, stacked, and scrumptious! See her today as she relaxes in her lacy red bra which showcases her 36D big natural boobs most splendidly. First she gives us lots of cleavage tease, then she tugs aside her matching panty to let us ogle her meaty shaved pussy. Sitting down on the couch, she keeps spreading her snatch while pressing her bells together with her upper arms in this exciting slice of big tits porn. Stripping off except for her strappy black high heels, she shows us just how widely she can spread--that’s quite a chasm in her clam, and an abyss in her ass! Lots of room, in fact, for the big--no, make that humongous--vibrator which she crams into both of her capacious nooks, one after the other. Whether stuffing her box or her butt, Lucy goes deep and then shows us her amazing gapes afterward in big photos you can blow up on your computer screens and gape at yourself!

  • 00:28:24
  • Jan 30, 2006
  • 507


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