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innocent student till p.p. hit it! at Analvids

What can I say about my boy P.P. He can t grow a beard, he s a soft spoken metrosexual with a big heart. When I say metro I really mean homo. Anyway so back to P.P. In all seriousness, he s a trip. I love the dude. He also has a fat penis with a tiny head. One young, innocent, Cuban student found out in what I like to call A Student for Preston. It s a romantic comedy musical. P.P. loves to sing. What I m trying to say is that he s gay!!! As gay as the day he made Blownout O Rings Part Five. Enough about that beardless freak! This girl had a bangin little body. Great tits and a plump ass. Hell ya! Preston hit it with great ease. My boy was smooth. He hit that pussy as if it was a man s anus! HA HA HA HA!!! Al-B and I are laughing our asses off writing this shit. It s not everyday we get to diss P.P. for the world to see. All right enough fucking around. This was one horny chick. Preston quenched her horniness with some big cock in her mouth and her tight little pussy. The gizz ended up on her face and she ended up getting ditched as she pee d in some canal bank. It was a special farewell. She never saw it coming. -DIRT

  • 00:00:00
  • Jan 02, 2007
  • 143


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