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nikita bellucci shows her man that her ass is best with hard anal at Analvids

Nikita Bellucci comes home to find her man looking at big butts on the internet, she takes a shower and then decides to teach him a lesson by giving him a live lap dance. She gets to her knees and puts her pouty lips to work by opening up her throat and taking a sloppy face fucking. After taking a hard finger blasting her pussy is so wet that she has to bend over and take his cock deep inside her, doggie style baby! This girl is wild, she hops on top and shoves his cock in her ass before slamming her tight butt up and down him and rubbing her clit for her own pleasure. Nikita is an anal warrior and she takes multiple anal blastings while standing up, laying down or riding on top, he will never look at another ass again! With her butt satisfied, she spreads her legs and takes a leg twitiching pussy pounding against the wall. Finally after a suck job and a fum fucking, he puts his cock in her ass one last time to give her a sticky anal creampie.

  • 00:26:51
  • Jun 07, 2015
  • 304


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