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fetish fun with lucy lee involves anal and two fat cocks at Analvids

Lucy Lee is dressed in an officer’s uniform and she takes her submissive sex slaves to a dark room where they start to get ready for some fetish fun. It is Lucy’s turn to be a****d and she gets to her knees to take their cocks deep in her mouth. She takes turns blowing these hung studs and you can tell she is addicted to cock! One man then bends this fine lady over a table and blasts her hard in the ass while she on the other’s dick. This kinky whore takes a rough spanking while being spit roasted and is pumped deep in her butt, it is amazing that she manages to keep her hat on! This anal loving maniac then stands up and straddles one man while being ass fucked and the shoe fucked by the other guy. After an ass splitting session she gets down low and takes a double cum cocktail swallowing as much cum as she can and spilling the rest over her tits.

  • 00:21:34
  • Jun 15, 2015
  • 157


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