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enthusiastic sex encounter! at Analvids

I know I don t have as much experience as some girls my age. That is why I took this guy called JJ home. He was older and was boasting about how many women he had been with, so I figured he must know what he is doing. At first I was nervous and we started messing around. Soon though these games led on and he was licking at my clitoris making me all horny! Wow he knew what he was doing alright! I was like a girl possessed! I got his cock out and started sucking and licking it, making it long and hard. Then he put it in my wet slot and started thrusting. It felt so good! He would change rhythm and position and catch all the hotspots. Then I felt his finger go in my bum. I had tried it in the bum before but never enjoyed it, so I was really nervous. There was no problem though. He didn t just try and stick it in like some guys. He opened it up a bit with his finger and then when I was ready slid in his big sausage. I couldn t believe how good it felt! He started switching between my bumhole and my fanny and had me writhing in ecstasy. Then he whipped it out and came on my face. I felt like such a dirty little girl who finally had some experience!

  • 00:26:41
  • Apr 06, 2006
  • 285


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