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taking the tube steak in fours! at Analvids

This sexys name is Klara and shes as new as they get on the block. She told us that she really loves to fuck and just cant seem to get enough, so needless to say were tossing her right into the mix! That s right a Gang Bang with four hard cocked studs!Karla began sucking and jerking on their cocks making sure that they were stiff and slick and then they fucked her pussy and horny tight ass like she has never had it before. Ramming their hard cocks deep in her holes, one by one and then two at a time and of course they made sure that a cock stayed in her mouth ato give her that extra touch of naughty!. They fucked her ass hard and gaped her asshole wide open, taking a look inside to explore from deep within. They took turns shooting off their loads, covering her face and filling her mouth with their candy cream and it drove Karla wild with passion! She played with their jizz spreading it all around just as happy as she could be.

  • 00:11:36
  • Aug 07, 2007
  • 86


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