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kassey s rectal problem at Analvids

The therapy Doctor Icy administers to his patient Kassey may not be in keeping with the latest medical procedures. Kassey explains her problem, it seems her bottom is not working properly. Doctor Icy first conducts an examination of his patent and checks her vital signs. Kassey must strip for the procedure, finding it a little embarrassing. The diabolical doctor then probes and examines Kassey s orifices in search of a diagnosis. The extremely large rectal thermometer is particularly discomforting and she squirms when the doctor introduces it into her pert little pucker hole. After a speculum inspection of both nether holes, Doctor Icy arrives at a prognosis. A nice warm milk enema should do the trick. During the procedures Kassey has some difficulty holding it in, so the Doctor administers several applications. Afterward, Kassey is feeling much better. But Doctor Icy is a thorough practitioner and wants to be sure she is cured. He tests his therapy by a good though workout with the full length of his dick. All seems well and Kassey promises to revisit the Doctor for another check up.

  • 00:34:06
  • Mar 04, 2008
  • 386


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